The Gamla Nature Reserve in the central Golan Heights is a wonderful combination of nature, landscape and historical remains. It is home to a globally unique number of raptors for its small size, including rare species, and one of the world’s most ancient synagogues. Dozens of pairs of Griffon vultures nest in Gamla’s cliffs, the largest colony in the country.

The Masada Snake Path is one of the most iconic hikes in Israel. Starting from the base of Masada, a famous fortress which stands beside the Dead Sea, the Snake Path winds its way up approximately 400 meters from the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea, to the peak where archaeological remains tell a story of heroism and endurance, and magnificent views across the Dead Sea and the Moab Mountains of Jordan on the other side, can be enjoyed.

The Gamla Nature Reserve in the central Golan Heights is a wonderful combination of nature, landscape and historical remains. It is home to a globally unique number of raptors for its small size, including rare species, and one of the world’s most ancient synagogues. Dozens of pairs of Griffon vultures nest in Gamla’s cliffs, the largest colony in the country.

Originalmente nacida en la pequena comunidad judia de Bolivia, decidio hacer alia en 2007 para poder estudiar guiaje de turismo y asi poder mostrar las maravillas de la tierra de Israel, a todo el mundo latino y de habla hispana, pues Israel es un pais tanto antiguo como moderno, donde la historia cobra vida.
Con melani podran disfrutar de los bellos paisajes de la tierra de Israel, conocer los lugares descritos en la biblia, y hacer de su viaje a la tierra de Israel , un viaje unico e inolvidable.